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Why Is Wiper Blade Replacement So Important?

North Carolina gets about 42 inches of rain each year. And doesn’t it all seem to fall at once! We do get some downpours, and they often come on fast and furious. Are your windshield wipers up for the job? The worst time to ask is when the clouds are opening up.

Make sure your wiper blades equipped to handle whatever Mother Nature - and road conditions - throw at them.


Safety Is Always the First Priority

Your windshield protects you from more than the weather. Can you count how many bugs have flown into your path? Or how many birds have deemed your windshield as the perfect place to leave droppings? When we spray cleaner onto the surface and the wipers just smear the mess around, it’s annoying.

But worn wiper blades are more than just a nuisance; they’re an outright danger.

They can leave streaks, smears, dirty spots, and uncleared areas that separate the wipers from the windshield surface. This significantly impacts visibility and your ability to see the road, pedestrians, and other obstacles along your route clearly.

Imagine driving down a busy road in the dark, with all the headlights of oncoming vehicles bouncing off a dirty or smudged windshield. It makes night driving even more challenging.

Rain, slush, and snow present equally dangerous situations. If your wipers can’t clear the windshield effectively, you are driving (often at high speeds) without sufficient clarity.

How Do You Know When You Need to Replace Your Wiper Blades?

Wiper blades are one of the simplest components you can find on a vehicle - yet we know they work hard to keep us safe. They are made of thin rubber or halogen-hardened rubber, and they’re designed to flex as they move across your windshield. This allows them to pull water, snow, slush, dirt, and grit off to the side - enabling you to see where you’re going.

What causes them to wear down? Regular use. It happens. Friction between the windshield and the wiper blade inevitably lead to wearing. Another factor, particularly in our North Carolina climate, is direct sun. This, and natural oxidation, cause the rubber to break down over time.

As the rubber in the blade breaks down, it no longer flexes as effectively to the shape of the windshield. And this can leave you in a jam when you need to clean your glass on a drive or you encounter inclement weather.

When your wiper blades are due (or past due) for a change, you’ll notice:

  • Dirty spots and streaks.
  • Squeaking sounds.
  • A skipping motion.
  • Greatly reduced visibility.
  • In extreme cases, worn blades can also lead to permanent scratches on your windshield.

You should also be on the lookout for:

  • Ripped or detached rubber on the blade
  • Cracks or tears
  • Detached arms on the wiper itself
  • Metal corrosion on the wiper

Prevent Problems Before They Start

You don’t want to be in the middle of a storm before you realize you need to change your wiper blades. It’s easy to forget, but it’s important that we put wipers on the maintenance schedule. It’s best if you replace them twice a year (or more if you drive extensively).

While we don’t have winters like our Northern counterparts, we certainly get snow and ice. Blades specifically made for winter weather make a huge difference. You can put them on in the late fall and switch them out in the spring. This should keep you safe all year long.

But again, please keep an eye on wear so your wiper blades don’t leave you in the lurch when it comes to challenging weather and road conditions.

Let Retro Lube Cross One Job Off Your To-Do List

When you need new wiper blades, stop in at Retro Lube. Our expert staff is happy to replace these important parts so you can get back on the road with confidence and clarity. A few minutes is all it takes to keep yourself (and others on the road!) safer!