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oil changeOil is of the utmost importance to the health and functionality of your vehicle. Therefore, it’s essential to pay attention to your scheduled oil changes and vehicle maintenance. 

For many car owners, it’s easy to put off getting an oil change. Life comes up and it’s easy to overlook this quiet necessity for running your vehicle. Failing to bring a car in for regular oil maintenance can be damaging to your vehicle in the long run and can lead to expensive repairs. 

Usually between every 3,000 to 5,000 miles, it’s recommended that you take your car into the shop for an oil change. These numbers change depending on the make and model of the vehicle. You can look this up yourself or ask your mechanic what the best amount of distance is for your vehicle between oil changes.

If you need an oil change in Fremont, NC, Retro Lube Oil Change offers the best oil change service and maintenance. 

Why Get Regular Oil Changes?

  1. Better Gas Mileage: If you are someone who drives long distances frequently, then you understand the importance of gas mileage. Proper and consistent oil changes will help maintain excellent gas mileage.
  2. Reduces Engine Wear and Build-Up: If you take your vehicle to the mechanic for regular oil changes, you are helping your vehicle maintain its vitality. Oil changes help reduce and remove any excess dirt that can build up in your engine over time and keep your engine clean. Sludge is also common in cars, and oil changes will completely remove it for a more efficient running engine. 
  3. Longer Engine Life: Consistent oil changes will extend the life of your engine and provide your car with more value. With better mileage, proper engine lubrication, and the prevention of sludge and dirt particles, your engine will last for a long time. While you can’t prevent unforeseeable problems that occur within a vehicle, you can help to ensure that your vehicle’s engine life is extended with continuous oil changes. 
  4. Provides Engine Lubrication: To keep your car running efficiently, your engine will produce a lot of heat. While a heating engine is normal, you never want your engine to overheat. Without proper oil changes, your engine will be more susceptible to overheating. Make sure your engine is properly lubricated and clear of the possibility of overheating and causing problems. 

Oil Change and Auto Repair in Fremont, NC

If you are in the Fremont area and need any help with auto repair, maintenance, or oil change, Retro Lube Oil Change offers:


Oil changes are quite essential to keep your car running without any problems and for the well-being of your car. If you require an oil change or auto repair in Fremont, NC, call Retro Lube Oil Change at 919-735-8019.