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when to replace your cabin air filter asheville nc

Goldsboro is a great place to own and drive a car. Spring and fall tend to be the favorite seasons for residents and tourists alike. Unfortunately, these seasons can be difficult for allergy sufferers, even in the confines of a vehicle with its windows up.

If you are sneezing, smell strange odors, or you are experiencing reduced airflow inside your car, it might be time to bring your vehicle to Retro Lube to change your cabin air filter.

Cabin Air Filter Goldsboro, NC

Cabin air filters help reduce debris, road odors, smoke, and other air contaminants from entering your vehicle. You may have had your engine air filter changed without realizing your vehicle has a cabin air filter. Signs your car’s cabin filter needs to be replaced include:

  • Increased sneezing and allergy symptoms inside your car
  • Dust, dander, and visibly cloudy cabin air
  • Prolonged unusual odors inside your vehicle
  • Difficulty breathing for you or your car’s occupants
  • A visibly clogged cabin air filter
  • Reduced airflow for your heating and air conditioning

If your vehicle is exhibiting the signs of needing a new cabin air filter, contact Retro Lube, or bring it in for a new one. While you are here, you can experience our 17-point fluid check and oil change, while enjoying our Andy Griffith inspired lobby. Retro Lube will help you breathe easier with a cabin air filter replacement.