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Your car's air conditioning can fail for a number of reasons. Some of the fixes are inexpensive and getting them repaired quickly can save much worse wear and tear down the road. It can be frustrating driving without AC in the hot summer only to find out that the needed repair was quick and easy. Other problems are more complicated, but it's still worth it to stay cool in your car in the sizzling summer months.

Most are familiar with that sinking feeling in your stomach when your car is having trouble. Is it an easy fix, something under $100? Or could it be an issue that costs $1,000 or more? Diagnosing the problem yourself is difficult, but not impossible. It just takes some learning. How do you know when your car has transmission issues? There are a few indicators that can help you make the call.

At Retro Lube, we love some throwback style and have a special affinity for the classics. Like good friendly service, some trends are always in style. This is why we’re celebrating The Andy Griffith Show’s series finale, which aired this month back in 1968.

There are a few places you spend most of your time: your home, your workplace, and your car. You use your car to get between these other two places. You also use it to go places where you want to relax. It's a terrible experience to arrive at work in the middle of bad allergies. It's even worse to drive somewhere in your free time to relax and have fun, only to arrive having a bad reaction. Springtime allergies are the worst because pollen is so bad, and you've been cooped up all winter.

Why is it that every time you go somewhere, your allergies act up? It could be that your car is making them worse. How can you enjoy an allergen-free drive?