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Everything You Need to Know about An Oil Change

If you're like most of us, your car represents practicality and freedom. It's not only your means to get to work and back, but it carries you to the grocery store, ensures you can chauffeur the kids to their activities, and allows you to get out of town when you need a weekend escape. You need your vehicle — and your vehicle needs regular oil changes.


Routine maintenance is the key to ensuring your vehicle is ready to take you wherever you need and want to go. If you’re wondering why oil changes are so important, you’ve come to the right place! This quick guide will explain the why, how, and how often of this important service.


The Why Behind Oil Changes

Some car owners ignore this process completely, but it can be a real problem down the road — literally! Under the hood of your car or truck, there is a complex system with dozens of moving parts. As valves, pistons, and other components move and rub against each other, they create friction and generate heat. Oil lubricates all of those parts and absorb the heat from the friction. Your engine remains at an optimal running temperature, which is just how we like it.

As your engine works, dirt and other grit accumulate. If left, they can lead to corrosion — and costly engine repairs. Oil removes the sludge and keeps your engine clean. It also boosts gas mileage and increases the lifespan of your vehicle.

But oil eventually breaks down. As it does, it can't do its essential heat-absorbing job, and that means your engine won't stay as cool as it should. Ignoring that oil change can lead to a lot of other, more expensive, problems. Stopping in to your service station for a quick oil change is an investment that pays you back in that it keeps your vehicle running, and performing better, longer.

How Is It Actually Done?

When you have your oil changed, several steps happen inside the garage. The technician removes the oil pan from your car or truck. This allows all of the oil that was previously circulating through your engine to drain out. Then they remove the oil filter and replaces it with a brand new one. An oil filter helps remove any impurities before the oil circulates through the vehicle. After that, the oil pan is reattached, and the technician refills your oil with the right viscosity.

When Should You Have Your Oil Changed?

This is a tricky question. You want to have your oil changed before it breaks down, but when that happens depends a bit on your vehicle, where you live, and how you drive. Newer cars typically only need to have an oil change every 5,000 miles. Some engines today rely on synthetic oils, and that means they can go much longer than 5,000 miles between changes. Older vehicles, though, should have an oil change every 3,000 miles. If you tend to drive at high speeds or you live on a gravel road, you may need to have it changed even more frequently. Your best bet is to chat with us when you drop your vehicle off, and we can help you determine what will work best for your particular situation.

Routine Maintenance Pays Off

Fresh oil keeps your engine lubricated, cool, clean, and running smooth. And if you can save a few bucks at the pump too, well, no one will complain about that!

Scheduling time out of your busy day for an oil change may seem like a hassle, but the reality is that if you rely on your vehicle as much as most people do, it can mean longevity that will help keep your schedule a bit freer in the years to come. You won't have to worry about serious engine problems or even shopping for a new car sooner than you should.

Ready to schedule your oil change? Contact us today or drop in anytime for your next oil change.